
Get Inspired Nutrition: Herbalife Shakes Come to Bowling Green!

              Get Inspired is a fast growing nutrition club in downtown Bowling Green. They have been very popular and successful in recent months. The first reason being they are a very new business. They just got started in the fall and since then have been a huge success. This has been a huge hit with not only college students, but older adults as well. The younger generation is very involved in their health and being active. Get Inspired needed to get their word about as much as they can, so the interview with them was perfect. The interview was with Lauren Ihnot, one of the partners and managers of the store. She has been selling these products for a while and has been very successful from the start.              The interview discusses the shop and what kind of success Lauren has had with Herbalife along with the store Get Inspired. Lauren talked about how long the company...

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Record Store Day 2019

            *Record Scratch*              *Freeze Frame*                         Yep, that’s me and I bet you’re wondering how I got here. Well you see, in the city of Bowling Green, it started in 1971, when the owner of Finders Records, Greg Halamay wanted a way to offer a better music selection to the city of BG. Since Finders opened its doors, it has seen growth, numerous customers and an enormous amount of demand for vinyl records.             Enter Record Store Day (or RSD as I may refer to it throughout the blog); RSD started about 12 years ago, at a gathering of independent record store owners and employees. It was there that they came up with Record Store Day as a way to celebrate and spread the word about the unique culture surro...